Smallest Theremin

How many times have you been out at the nightclub and thought to yourself “I sure wish I had a theremin with me right now.”  Well you should consider one of these.

UPDATE: His blog is in Italian, but I think he’s saying that if you can play this you should become a Microsurgeon.

via: Theremin World and AlexART

4 Responses to Smallest Theremin

  1. joeelalvarado says:

    ta pobre

  2. Alessandro says:

    Hi and thanks for you post!

    The theremin is not so difficult to play as it has an optical sensor. What I meant is that after “soldering” it I was ready for microsurgeon!

  3. ldahlke says:

    Ah, thank you for clearing that up, Alessandro!

  4. […] By ldahlke Several weeks ago, I wrote about the smallest […]